Friday, 14 September 2007

e Safety and Web 2.0

From parents to Local Authorities the constant worry about using web 2.0 applications is one of security and who will have access to what. In this litiginous society everyone wants to be safe and secure. A quick type into Google shows numerous conferences and articles seeking to clear or even muddy the water.

The State of the Net Conference has some interesting bits on 'child safety on the net'

Nancy Willard has a good grasp of things to think about.

In the UK the agency Becta has the responsibility to lead.

In the UK the Government announce a new review about e-Safety:

Children, Schools and Families Secretary Ed Balls said:

“Children and young people have faster, easier and more immediate access to online information than ever before. More and more children and young people have mobile phones and play video games in their spare time.

“These technologies bring our children new, fantastic opportunities and lots of fun but we need to balance this with the risks and worries that parents have of their children accessing inappropriate content.

“This Review is not about stopping children having fun or preventing them from taking full advantage of the educational, social and entertainment benefits that the internet and video games technologies offer. But it is about making sure they can do so safely, as far as possible, without being exposed to harmful or inappropriate material.”

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